Discrimination of Race Was Depicted on The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn



     The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn is a novel by Mark Twain had been published in the United Kingdom in 1844 and in the United State in 1885. It was a continuation of the story of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. The story told about the social issue of discrimination towards black people. Mark Twain describes and provides the perspective of white people treat and give the rights to Negroes or black people. At the beginning of the story was told Finn as the white race was living in a Widow Douglas's house. He felt restricted and watched every his behavior. He sometimes wanted to run away from her house since he did not feel happy and enjoy. Until one day, he was kidnapped by his abusive biological father and trapped in the forest. Finn was a clever person that could escape from his father's confinement by tricking his father as if he had died. He ran away and find Jim that was Miss Watson's black servant. He was running away too from her that wanted to be sold for 800 dollars. Jim wanted to be a free man which could be seen from Finn’s perspective on page 53 was described that Jim felt mixed feelings since they were near Cairo. He felt a happy and free man on the other side, he felt scared if missed Cairo that would make him be slave country again and lost the chance to be free. Every time he did travel feel worried since Miss Watson made a contest that success brought Jim to her would be given a large reward; 300 dollars. He was like a captive had a killed or stollen that every island know about that contest. From the character of Jim is depicted that his existence represents the black people's existence which felt worried and unsettled every time. He was afraid that he would be caught and enslaved again. It is supported from Mark Twain rarely brought up the character of Jim since that character did not have freedom as much as Finn’s freedom who could show in every scene. At first, Finn wanted to return Jim to his owner but heard Jim's expectation as a free man, he felt guilty and canceled his plan. He intended to help Jim with the slavery system. 

     Slavery is a system to exploit human beings; forced to work over without pay, freedom, mobility, and human right are denied. They provide minimal food, shelter, and clothing which is dominated by the owner (Andi Agung Putra 2018:19). In 18-19th centuries there was an agreement to allow the state to have its slaves. The story also depicted that phenomenon where Finn at Grangerford's house, he could see that each member of the family had a black slave to work for them even though he also got it. Slavery does not occur in black people, the white people also occur but in a small percentage. Slavery starts to use to help the owner of the agricultural and plantation, especially in Northside. It has become a sedentary system of slavery, from working on plantation areas to meeting the needs of houses and servants in the city. From their helping, it increases their production and income. They have helped capital owners but what they get do not worth it. They are treated like animals and buy-sell. Jim had run away from his boss because he wanted to be sold. He also admitted that his boss did not always treat him well. In every situation, he felt worried that if someone found him, he would be returned to Miss Watson and sell him down the river to New Orleans. 

     On 54 pages showed other phenomena from Jim had a family who same that became slaves and lived separately. Jim had dreams of freeing them and living together again. From that phenomenon, they could be sold and bought any situation and time from their families. Many slaves never saw their families again (Andi Agung Putra 2018:21). One of the quotes from Buya Hamka mentions all humans are created from the land, food comes from the ground, standing on the land, and will return to the land so what is for we felt superiority and treat them unfairly? They are also the same as us who have the same rights to be freedom and happiness. Sudarnoto Abdul Hakim (2020) said that the role of the human is taking care, respecting, caring, and helping each other which are based on justice, equality, and togetherness. On 55 pages that showed two stranger men asked Finn that was his friend a white man or black?. He said white to save Jim's identity. If Finn said he is black, he will catch him and force him to be a slave. Meanwhile, Finn had lied by saying there was his family had gotten a heavy disease on the raft and gave forty dollar gold piece. According to Samovar (2010), discrimination and intimidation of certain groups are done openly. The openness of the discrimination that is carried out has a great chance for people to give stereotypes to racial skin. From that behavior indirectly formed thoughts about black people whom they feel afraid or antipathy when dealing with white people. It shows clearly that the privilege falls to the white people. They only humanize white people meanwhile they hunt and terror black people which can be seen on 119 pages that the king and the duke trick Jim that made him be a slave again, just for forty dollars. 

     The treatment of slavery in the United States is also very unfair, one of them is education. They are not allowed to study, read, and write. In the case of Jim which believed in superstition. If bad happens to come, he believes that it is a bad sign. On the contrary, Finn was the adopted son of miss Daugles which was learning to read, write, and spell. This is caused that he did not get learning and knowledge from his boss. According to Andi Agung Putra (2018), most of them are forbidden to read and write because the master could whip them if they do not work fast enough or try to escape. Moreover, when Finn and Jim were debating about King Louis XVI, Jim asked that do not the French people talk the way the United States people talk. Here, it can be seen that Jim had a lack of knowledge did not know the different countries mean different the way they speak. By using Finn's knowledge who was gotten from his school, he explains it with analogies to make it easy for him to understand. In the other case, when Tom asked him to write his experiences by using his blood, he said that he did not know how to write. 

     However, not all white people treat them like animals. Some of them think about the fate of black people and try to save it. Finn is a white race who wants to help Jim on servant system. He helps him by covering his identity and saving him from wicked people. Besides that, Miss Marry Jane is a daughter of Peter who thinks her servant's fate; know the black mother and her two children live separately which had been sold by The King and The duke. At their young age, they are agents of change who will help abolish the slavery system that occurred in America-Afrika through the knowledge they have and educate other societies to make them more open-minded. 


This content was posted to make anyone more critical to get the point of literary work. 

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thanks in advance. 



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