Odysseus’s A story as Reflection of Human Life


Homerus or Homer is a blind poet which has written many interesting stories in poetic form. One of his works is Odysseus. This poem has founded by Archeologists among the ruins of ancient temples in Greece in the form of clay plaque (Gloria Setyvani Putri, 2018). Another argument from Gloria Setyvani (2018) that plaque contains 13 stanzas. Instead, it is believed that the poem was written in the late 8th century BC.

This poem is told about Odysseus’s adventure, the king of Ithaka after the war on the city of Troy in the 13th century BC. Besides that, the story tends to tell stories of sacrifice and loyalty of each person. During his journey to Ithaka, he must pass 10 years due to the anger of the god, Poseidon who had made his son become blind. He and his crews passed many obstacles such as met Polifemus the son of Poseidon, giants, and satisfier the lust of the goddesses like Circe and Calypso even he had a wife and a son, namely Penelope and Telemachus. Furthermore, he was reminded that he missed and loved much with his family and place so he did not give up on his way back. Arriving at Ithaka, in front of his palace had many rich men were eyeing his wife to be married. Odysseus was a clever man full of tricks. He disguised himself as an old man who was assisted by the goddess, Athena.

Odysseus’s story has similar aspects to human life. Odysseus is represented for people that have a dream become a rich man and comfortable life. Nevertheless, to reach his dream, he must pass many obstacles. We are often tempted by a lot of sedition or shortcuts. During his journey, he is often seduced by the seductions of the goddesses. He even had sex with many goddesses. He realized that this way is the wrong path and immediately he went straight to his palace. Poseidon is represented by the god. If God has not approved your way, then it is not the right time for God to grant it.

From Odysseus's story can be concluded that his desire to return home has paid off with loyalty from his family and servants. His family; Penelope, the son, his parents faithfully waiting for him even though he had been traveling for many years. Odysseus has a strong will to meet his family by continuing to struggle. Nevertheless, all depends on the blessing of God. if God willing, it will be.

If want to read the full of Odysseus story, you can go to the link below 
Indonesia version: https://id.m.wikibooks.org/wiki/Mitologi_Yunani/Perjalanan_Pulang_Odisseus/Kaum_Laistrigones

Disclaimer: This blog was posted to make people more critical to see the whole of the literature work.

I hope you do not copy and paste. Just to be your references. 

Thanks in advance   
